The Bahati Foundation, a 501(c)3 was launched in 2009 with the vision of helping under-represented youth rise above their current circumstances by focusing on the sport of Cycling, Education, Music, and Sports. We accomplish this by providing exposure to programs that promote; fitness, positive values, a healthy lifestyle, and S.T.E.A.M. education through cycling – resulting in real-life power, on and off the bike.
100% of the Bahati Foundation Cycling Club membership dues (BFCC) go to supporting the foundation’s outreach mission.
Partner Discounts
As a member, you receive discounts from the following manufacturers, ranging from 15% - 45%.
Velo Pasadena
Fast Forward Wheels
Giant Bicycles
Custom Bahati Foundation Kit by CUORE
Event Discounts
You will also receive discounts on all Methods To Winning events.
Cycling Clinics
Circle of Doom
and more
To inquire about purchases, all orders must go through info@bahatiracing.com.
Member discounts are for paid/active members only. Abuse of discount codes will result in termination from BFCC.